Dirt Rich

Movie Info


Dirt Rich shifts focus from greenhouse gas emissions to carbon draw down which is the only viable solution for reversing the effects of runaway global warming in a timely manner. Through exploration of geo-therapy strategies, Dirt Rich shines light on their value and beauty which undeniably are our last hope for protecting life as we know it on this challenged planet.

Through regenerative agricultural practices, reforestation of abandoned land, protection/restoration of carbon rich wetlands and keystone species, Dirt Rich illustrates how implementing these strategies will return our atmosphere to safe levels of carbon while growing soil, our most precious resource.

The science is clear. Global warming is worse than predicted and we are now at a tipping point. Currently our CO2 levels are at 400 parts per million (ppm) putting us way over the safe level of 260 ppm. Even if we were to stop all fossil fuel use today, the climate effects will continue for the next 1000 years because much of that carbon is stored in the ocean and it takes that long for it to cycle out.  

The only chance we have to halt the effects of runaway global warming is to quickly draw carbon back down into the soils where it belongs. This not only sequesters the carbon but serves to revitalize our collapsed soils by allowing natural processes like photosynthesis and microbial growth to take back over. Scientists are predicting that on our current trajectory we have 70 harvests left and a very short window of time to make the impactful changes necessary to prevent runaway global warming. Dirt Rich will illustrate for viewers the strategies necessary to accomplish this.